Interested to join us and be one of our business team?
You are cordially invited to be our business partner in different capacities.
Whether you belong to one of the categories listed below, various professionally drafted offers awaiting your acceptance to develop a long term business relationship with mutual respect and diligent supports from our BD team.
1- Retailers in beauty related industry
We are delighted to offer a mutually beneficial mercantile contract with fruitful spreading based on our recommended retail prices, this is to ensure it’s worthwhile for you to commit to our products under current high operational cost over the globe ,our BD team will discuss with you in person on different aspects such as your location, cost of freight, as well as other terms and conditions , please kindly contact us at hellp@elysia-redoleo.com to elaborate further details.
2- Retailers in chic industries but not really categorised in beauty industry
Our BD team will give advises on marketing tactics in a unique manner which allow our products to cope with your shop’s market position and image.
3- Online merchant searching for skincare product line
With reputable backgrounds, robust growth and meticulous sales supports.
We will assign out marketers from our BD team which are excelled in the area of e-commerce, this is to ensure the adequacy of electronic supports in different prospective.
4- Influencers/KOL who wants to conduct ad hoc commercial live broadcast as a convivial sharing with your followers
We will be grateful to assist you with all paraphernalia to make your live room’s background more charmingly decorated and allow you to focus on products intro and inner thoughts sharing with your valuable followers